chenone ( chen one ) introduce Pareesa Lawn, the new line of their brands chaine. chenone is the famouse trade mark for costly and stylish dressing for childerens, women and men's wear. chen one is now in the race of lawn fabric and intoduce the pareesa lawn.
it is ordinary lawn like all other lawns- some come with embroidered patti like the ones sana safinaz prints had and some are plain suits-all have lawn dupattas with them. price range 2000-2300rs for a suit.
i feel chen one faisalabad will not get populer in casual womens dressing , coz of its rates. the normal dress of women is start from 350 Rs to 1500 Rs. but the the chen one pareesa lawn range is from 2000 to 2300 Rs / suit.
chen one pareesa lawn