University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Name: Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan
Position: Vice Chancellor
Qualification: Ph.D.(USA)
Mailing Address: Vice Chancellor’s Office, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad - 38040, Pakistan.
Office Phone: +92-41-9200200, +92-41-9200161-70, Ext. 2000
Fax: +92-41-9200764
Name: Ch.Muhammad Hussain
Position: Registrar
Qualification: M.B.A. Executive (U. A. F.)
Mailing Address: Registrar’s Office, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad - 38040, Pakistan.
Office Phone: +92-41-9200187, +92-41-9200161-70, Ext. 2101
Fax: +92-41-9200187
Name: Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Khan
Position: Treasurer
Qualification: M.A. Economics (Govt. College, Lahore)
Mailing Address: Treasurer’s Office, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad - 38040, Pakistan.
Office Phone: +92-41-9200202, +92-41-9200161-70, Ext. 2202, 2203
Fax: +92-41-9200203
Faculty of Agriculture
The Faculty of Agriculture is the biggest faculty in the University both by infrastructure and the student’s strength. Academically it comprises six departments e.g. Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Agricultural Entomology, Plant Pathology, Crop Physiology and Forestry, Wildlife & Range Management; two institutes, e.g. Institute of Soil & Environmental Sciences and Institute of Horticultural Sciences and five allied disciplines e.g. Agricultural Economics, Marketing & Agribusiness, Agricultural Extension, Animal Sciences and Institute of Food Science & Technology. The faculty imparts practical training to the students and enriches its research endeavors through Departmental Farms, Post-graduate Agricultural Research Station (PARS), Land Utilization Department, Murree/Charrapani Research Station, Agricultural Meteorology Cell, Advanced Computer Lab, Geographical Information System (GIS), Center of Agricultural Biochemistry and Biotechnology (CABB), Saline Agriculture Research Cell (SARC) and Plant Health Clinic which have been established in the faculty to carry out high-tech research work.
The faculty enjoys a profound interaction with farmers and other stakeholders and with its alumni through Farmers Syndicate Hall. It offers B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri. (four years) degree program and the students can tailor their degree by opting any of the major subjects listed above. All these disciplines have under- as well as post graduate programs except Crop Physiology which is allied with Agronomy for undergraduate program. The faculty has recently upgraded and transformed its instructional programs both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and in order to strengthen practical training of the students, an internship program has been included in the new scheme of studies. The faculty teaching staff is highly qualified and is trained afresh periodically through local and overseas training programs. Most of the teachers are recognized by Higher Education Commission to supervise Ph.D. scholars. Each faculty member has a dynamic research program oriented through one of the departmental research teams. Therefore, the Faculty of Agriculture remains a first choice of students for learning through out Pakistan. It, globally, has also been esteemed learning place for foreign/overseas students from all lingual and ethnic human groups. The faculty, over the time, has trained more than 11,000 undergraduate and 6000 postgraduate students in various disciplines of agriculture.
The faculty has highly structured establishment for its alumni which meets every year. At this vivid juncture the old-gold and the new faculty together review the progress and discuss the needs both in academics as well as in agriculture research in an atmosphere full of fragrance from the friendship.
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Faculty of Veterinary Science has been playing a significant role in flourishing the livestock and poultry production in the country since 1962. The Faculty has so far trained 1935 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) graduates, 1375 M. Sc. and 39 Ph.D.'s. The Faculty members have made significant contributions in their specific field of specialization and contributed to the advancement of basic and applied knowledge at the national and international level. Diagnostic laboratory and drugs analytical facilities have been rendered and has implemented artificial insemination technology package describing optimal conditions for collection, dilution, storage and use of the semen.
In milk producing animals mastitis has remained a major problem in the field. The introduction of very simple and "easy to do" "Surf Field Mastitis Test" by our scientists will help an early diagnosis of the disease by the farmers themselves for adopting the curative measures. University Veterinary Hospital and Animal Reproduction clinics are engaged in the treatment of animals and are dealing with gynaecological conditions. Our clinical scientists have initiated outreach programmes with ambulatory clinics to some villages. Research on medicinal plants by our pharmacologists has revealed a large number of indigenous herbs with remarkable antibiotic, antidiabetic , hepatoprotective and antiulcer activities. The geographical influences on the genetics of local animal/human population have also been observed. Moreover, the causative organism of Deg-Nala disease in buffaloes was isolated. Faculty has been able to develop vaccines for the prevention of diseases like hydropericardium syndrome and avian influenza.
Faculty of Sciences
The Faculty of sciences came into being in 1974 introduction to new education policy. Previously it was the Basic Sciences and Arts. There are nine departments in it and presently it is the 2nd biggest faculty of the University.
The Faculty of Sciences offers and M.Phil, degrees in disciplines of Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Statistics, and Zoology & Fisheries. Ph.D. degree programs are also offered in disciplines of Botany, Biochemistry, Chemistry and Zoology & Fisheries. The Faculty is also offering MBA (Regular), MBA (Executive), MBIT and M.Com. degrees since 1998.
Forty-five research projects of multifarious nature have so far been successfully in the faculty. Currently twelve projects funded by different funding agencies are being executed. In 2002 , the Ministry of Science & Technology granted an extensive project worth Rs. 39.975 millions to strengthen laboratories and library facilities of the science departments of the faculty.
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
The faculty members have published 10 books for the benefit of students, extension workers and the farming community.
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology
The Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology was established in 1961 when the Punjab Agriculture College, Lyallpur was given the status of University of Agriculture, Lyallpur. The main objective of the Faculty was to train manpower to cater the growing needs of mechanized farming in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. this faculty is one of the pioneer faculty of its nature in whole Pakistan.
The Faculty is offering B.Sc. and M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in Agri. Engineering & Food Technology while only M.Sc. in Fiber Technology.
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